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Exert of Prasong’s Trapeze

Here is a small example of writing from a short story about an Elephant that just wants to join the circus as a Trapeze Artist.


One day, while Prasong and the eldest elephant in the group, Thaksin, were giving a couple of humans a ride along the river, Prasong decided to ask for some advice about showing his swinging skills to some of the humans that come to visit. “Are you crazy?!” Thaksin blurted out in horror, “these humans we live with don’t want you swinging around like a monkey, they have monkeys for that. Just do as you’re told, give the humans their rides, let them splash you, and be quiet, or they’ll soon show you what that stick they carry around is for.”Prasong wasn’t convinced by his friend, and he decided to show what he could do to the visiting humans later that day. When the time came, however, the display didn’t go quite as planned. The problem that Prasong hadn’t accounted for, was that the tree branches around the camp were much thinner than the ones in the centre of the forest, and so they couldn’t hold his weight, so when he jumped up to grab a branch, despite performing an amazing mid-air spin and grabbing the branch with perfect timing – the branch snapped, and he fell down to the ground, barely missing two of the smaller humans who had come to visit.

The whole camp erupted into chaos, with humans screaming, the other elephants trumpeting, and the master with a face as red as the setting sun. The chaos didn’t last long, however, as the master and his human helpers grabbed ropes and tied Prasong up, to be taken to the pit. Sighs of relief could be heard from the camp behind him, as his dreams of impressing the humans with his amazing skills were dashed against the rocks he had just fallen onto.

“What was that?” the master exclaimed, knowing that he wouldn’t get an understandable answer from poor Prasong, “You are supposed to be my good elephant, you are supposed to be the quiet and obedient one. Maybe some time in here will set your mind right”. The master continued on talking as he walked away, and Prasong burst into tears. “I can’t believe that Thaksin was right” he blubbed to himself, “I just wanted them to be happy, I just wanted to show them something special”.


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